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I honestly will never look back from this, I've discovered things about me I didn't know and realised I was my harshest critic. Honestly hand on heart with Tara at the helm everyone can get results, because she gets you to believe in yourself and you can eat FOOD! Last week was the first week in my life I stood on the scales and hoped I hadn't lost, I can't fit in more food!


Michele, 40 - lost 25lbs

So, I can't believe I'm even sharing these photos! However I have given my amazing PT Tara the permission to share my progress to date.

On my first photos I was 9 weeks post partum after having 4 children under 4. During all of my pregnancies I have tried to keep as active as possible, but because complications arise each time I am consultant led and have to seriously reduce what I'm allowed to do. The minute I got the all clear at 6 weeks PP I went to see Tara. My goal was to get fitter and healthier and get back to doing something I loved doing a long time ago! I'm now 25 weeks PP and am 2 stone down, have stomach muscles coming back!

(Never thought I would see them again after they tore during my pregnancy with Ethan).

I'm so much fitter and stronger than I've been in a long time. If someone told me I would be deadlifting 55kg when I started my journey I would have laughed my head off! But now I'm doing it, I push myself twice per week with Tara and then I do the rest at home and run on the beach too. I'm loving life right now.

Thank you so much Tara you've given me the confidence and determination that I can do this! Onwards and upwards from here!

- Lydia

Tara has been a constant supportive ear in the background, always encouraging and motivating me to do well. I'm so pleased with how my body and mind has transformed already in a relatively short period of time. I am more determined than ever to not let all this hard work go to waste. I like having more energy and love working out and the feeling I get from it. I'm sleeping better and generally in a happier positive mood. My health was the incentive that I needed to start looking after myself and now I just want to continue on this journey.

- Ashley

11lbs lost, 10cm off my waist, 8cm off my hips! Cannot thank Tara enough for all the support and knowledge she's given and all the encouragement. I feel so much happier, healthier and a hell of a lot stronger! Honestly if you are stuck in a rut and want to change go to Tara!

- Sammy

Thanks to Tara's help & the classes I'm starting to have confidence in my body. I have two young children and work nights, this is where my weight slowly gained. Due to working nights I get very little sleep which means I'm awake for a lot of meals and made poor food choices. Tara has taught me what my body needs and how to space meals out to make me feel fuller for longer. I have gymed before but never really knew what I was doing and never got results. It's a great group of women who all support each other.

- Holly

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